Dear friends new hindi spiritual channel started ANANDAM TV will be started test transmission service for intelsat17 satellite at 66.0 degree east.This spiritual channel launching for Sri sri ravishakar said started in my tv broadcasting licence for india.Anandam tv telecasting for ravishankar guru

programmes and bakthi song's drama's soon.We are delighted to be partners in this noble initiative. It has been our constant endeavor to make television viewing a wholesome experience for the entire family. We have always believed in offering unique content to our subscribers. With the launch of Anandam Active, we are continuing with our legacy of offering another unique service for our consumers who are spirituality
inclined and will have this great opportunity to enjoy Sri Sri’s teachings in the close comfort of their free to air service the intelsat17 satellite transponder signal to catch for 6 feet to 16 feet dish antenna's can be using our network's.Mpge4/dvb s2 type set top box to using the network and home.

Parameter Details:
Satellite Intelsat17@66.0E(C-Band)
Freq Rate 4005
Symbol Rate 14400
Polar Horizontal
Modulation Mpeg4/Dvb s2
Mode Fta