Dear friends Times Group network India launch New english Movie channel MOVIES NOW 2 will be started the test transmission service the intelsat20 satellite at 68.5 Degree East.Time group to staretd for fourth english movie channel on india.this network already broadcasting the another

channel's movies now hd.rowedy now,MN+ india.movies now 2 SD only started the service the scrambled service the intelsat20 satellite.Tatasky dth service to added the movies now 2 channel on insat4a satellite.Good signal strength the c-band transponder intelsat20 satellite.Very soon launch the movies now 2 HD channel india in end of july.
Parameter Details:
Satellite Intelsat20@68.5E(C-Band)
Freq Rate 3805
Symbol Rate 10800
Polar Vertical
Modulation Mpeg4/Dvb s2
Mode Pay/Irdeto2