Dear friends New tamil and kannada language channel AYURVEDA TV will be started test transmission service from intelsat17 satellite.This new channel are started the ayush tv broadcasting
licence from india.Test trail for hindu spiritul and calcural programmed telecasting the ayurveda tv.good video quality on sd formet started the this new channel.Tamil language audio-5403 kannada language audio-5402 is the change our receiver.very soon started the 24 hours regular programmed the ayurveda tv channel.
Parameter Details:
Satellite Intelsat17@66.0E(C-Band)
Freq Rate 3844
Symbol Rate 27689
Polar Vertical
Modulation Mpeg4/Dvb s
Mode FTA

Parameter Details:
Satellite Intelsat17@66.0E(C-Band)
Freq Rate 3844
Symbol Rate 27689
Polar Vertical
Modulation Mpeg4/Dvb s
Mode FTA