Dear friends tamilnadu state satellite television industry ne tamil channel MADHIMUGAM TV will be started satellite test transmission service the main tamil channel's telecasting satellite on intelsat17 at 66.0 degree east.Madhimugam tv is tamil channel in full entertainment programme telecasting the india.R tv telugu entertainment channel downlink licence to started
the our programme in tamilnadu.This channel's satellite uplink provider hydrabhad indiasig telespot india limited.This channel's transponder signal to catch the minimum 8 feet to 16 feet c-band dish antenna's to using our netwrok and home.Mpeg4/dvb s2 type satellite receiver using the network.This channel's test trail taiml song programme telecasting to air service the mathimugam channel's at intelsat17 satellite.

Parameter Details:
Satellite Intelsat17@66.0E(C-BAND)
Freq Rate 3877
Symbol Rate 14300
Polar Horizontal
Modulation Mpeg4/Dvb s2(8PSK)
Mode FTA