Dear friends Singapore country govt television company mediacorp launch singapore first satellite hd channel CHANNEL NEWS ASIA HD will be started the test transmission from asiasat7 satellite at 105.0 degree east.mediacorp limited started the first hd english news channel for aisa country' news asia hd channel are broadcasting now a own licence.mediacorp already broadcasting from channel news asia sd channel started the asiasat7
satellite dowlink service news asia hd channel service now asia and world country's news and business news programming.good signal coverage the all south asia country' to air service the asiasat7 news asia hd channel started from new transponder from asiasat7 satellite.

Satellite Asisat7@105.0(C-Band)
Freq Rate 3736
Symbol Rate 6500
Polar Horizontal
System HD.Mpeg4/Dvb s2
System HD.Mpeg4/Dvb s2
Encrypation Pay/FTA
FEC 3/4
FEC 3/4