Dear friends tamilndu mega tv network channel's MEGATV,MEGA MUSIC,MEGA24 will be started the global test transmission service on insat4A satellite at 83.0 degree east.mega tv channel's is telecasting the our programming in asiasat5 from some year the india and other country's.

this network channel started the normal mpeg4/dvb s2 and sd formet in modulation system.megetv channel's completely scrambled from insat4a satellite.good signal coverage the india and south asia country.
Parameter Details:
Satellite Insat4A@83.0E(C-Band)
Freq Rate 3870
Symbol Rate 5000
Polar Horizontal
System Mpeg4/Dvb s2 (8PSK)
Encryption Pay/Irdeto2
Fec 5/6