Dear friends indian govt public television service prasat bharthi to luncing india first govt agriculture satellite television DD KISHAN to started the test transmission service now insat4b@93.0E satellite at dd free dish dth servcie.Channel to start our programme for national level in the india.already dd kisan channel to first
broadcasting service for a insat3C satellite at 74.5 degree east after some year.currently 24 hours programme to starting very soon the dd kisan channel.doordharsan to telecasting a agriculture programms for every day all dd region channel's india.dd to lunching all type channel's in india.kisan channel to receving the
ku-band india service the insat4b satellite.c-band global downlink service now insat3C satellite at 74.5 degree east.normal MPEG2/DVB S1type setopbox to watching new dd kisan channel.minimam 8,10,12,16 feet c- band dish antenna to catch the downlink transponder at the new channel.
Parameter Details:
Satellite Insat4B@93.0E(KU-BAND)
Freq Rate 10990
Symbol Rate 28500
Polar Vertical
Modulation Mpeg2/dvb s1
Mode Fta