Dear friends tamilnadu largest and popular entertainment channel sun network started the new tamil channel SUN RESET INDIA TV.This channel started the global transmission service from intelsat17 satellite at 66.0 degree east.sun tv reset india tv to telecasting for suntv india channel same programme at different time schedule in sea asia country's.this new channel telecasting without
advertisement.singapore,malaysia,and another country's telecasting suntv reset india channel.suntv network started the first channel in out side india channel.suntv ri tv scrambled mode fta channel .any time stop the fta service this channel.sun tv transponder signal coverage catch the 10 feet dish to 12 dish antenna's only.

Parameter Details:
Satellite Intelsat17@66.0E(C-BAND)
Freq Rate 3925
Symbol Rate 30000
Polar Vertical
Modulation Mpeg4/Dvb s2
Mode Pay/Fta