Dear friends india popular teleshopping channel HBN,K NEWS,LOTUS NEWS TAMIL channel's will be changed new satellite transmission service on insat4a satellite at 83.0 degree east.this
channel's to service the global satellite downlink service on intelsat20 satellite at noida nstpl telespot network in some years ago.this new downlink transponder is good signal the all over india and asia country's at 6 feet to 16 feet c-band dish antenna to catch the signal's.normal mpeg4/dvb stype set top
box can you get the regular programme in this channel's.all chnnel's fta servcie the nstpl network transponder service the insat4a satellite.
Satellite Insat4A@83.0E(C-Band)
Freq Rate 3726
Symbol Rate 26666
Polar Horizontal
Modulation Mpeg4/Dvb s
Mode Fta