Dear friends startv india launch new bollywood premier movie channel STAR GOLD SELECT HD will be started test transmission service from asiasat7 satellite at 105.5 degree east.Star tv india recently this year launch some sports channel star sports select hd and star movies select hd channel's

service from india.Bollywood movie channel from star gold is a good running the indian star tv launch this new type channels india television gold select hd channel perview now started the asiasat7 transponder signal to getting now 6 feet to 12 feet c-band dish antenna to using the are paymode type asiasat7 satellite.very soon started the regular 24 hours programming the star gold select hd channel.
Parameter Details:
Satellite Asiasat7@105.0E(C-Band)
Freq Rate 4020
Symbol Rate 28100
Polar Vertical
Modulation HD.Mpeg4/Dvb s2
Mode Pay/NDS