Dear friends india largest satellite television provider star tv india launch new tamil channel STAR VIJAY SUPER will be started test transmission from asiasat7 at 105.0 degree east.This new tamil channel star india second entertainment channel for tamilnadu state.Star vijay hd channel recently started satellite transmission service the tamilnadu at some month ago.Star vijay super channel

telecasting popular movie,song's,and game tv india own uplink telespot to started the new transponder for asiasat7 satellite.normal satellite signal to received 8 feet to 12 feet c-band dish vijay super channel scramble channel for asiasat7 satellite.very soon added the cable network and pay dth service the india.
Satellite Asiasat7@105.0E(C-Band)
Freq Rate 4020
Symbol Rate 28100
Polar Vertical
Modulation Mpeg4/Dvb s2
Mode Pay/NDS