Dear friends south india christian prayer ministry subhavaarthatv limited launch the india first english praye channel GOODNEWS TV will be started satellite test transmission service on intelsat17 at 66.0degree east.he company is headed by D.Nehru Dhyriam, a graduate in film technology from the film & TV Institute, Govt.of Tamil Nadu.He has been involved in film and video production for the past 35 years. His rich technical knowledge in all departments of film / television production is the main asset of the Goodnews Channel. He served as the chief producer in the Film &TV Division of the Govt.of Tamil Nadu for over two decades. During his tenure as chief producer, he produced more than 200 documentaries and short films on various subjects. He was also on the advisory board of the UPSC for selecting media related candidates for Doordharshan and other Govt.of India departments.
ashvinHis son, N.Ashvin Dev Dhyriam after graduating from the Film & TV institute, Govt. of Tamilnadu did his post graduation and had advanced training in all areas of TV programming and production at Cross Roads, Burlington, Canada. He is widely travelled and he has handled several video projects in Sweden, Germany and Finland. He has a great passion for teaching and training youngsters in the television media and he is the course director of our Training Institutes at Chennai & Hyderabad.Trt world hd channel satellite downlink transponder signal is get it for 8 feet to 16 feet c band dish antenna using now our network.goodnews channel program are watching now sd formet set top box only.goodnews channel is a free to air service intelsat17 satellite.chennai tata communication limited telespot to started the good news channel.very soon added the popular cable network and pay dth service good news channel india.subhavaartha television fourth satellite channel from goodnews channel.this network subhavaartha telugu,namibikkai tv tamil and shubhsandesh tv hindi broadcasting the christian programming now india.
Satellite Intelsat17@66.0E(C-Band)
Freq Rate 3966
Symbol Rate 14400
Polar Horizontal
Modulation Mpeg4/Dvb s2
Mode FTA
FEC 2/3
FEC 2/3