Dear friends south india popular satellite television sun network launch new bangla entertainment channel SUN BANGLA TV will be started test transmission service from Intelsat17 satellite at 66.0 degree east.Sun network limited launch for first north indian region television channel from west bengal state.sun bangla
bangla channel.sun bangla channel added the west bengal cable tv and pay dth service.this new gec channel are watching the our network to requesting for our cable tv or dth service provider and added the triff order rules in sun network channel's to subscribe.gemini news telugu channel re-branded to launch this new bangla television.
Parameter Details:
Satellite Intelsat17@66.0E(C-Band)
Freq Rate 3885
Symbol Rate 30000
Polar Vertical
Modulation Mpeg4/Dvb s2(8PSK)
Mode Pay/Irdeto2
Fec 3/4
Fec 3/4