Dear friends kerala state satellite malayalam channel KERALA VISION TV shifted on new satellite test transmission service on insat4a at 83.0 degree east.Kerala vision tv is malayalam channel in full entertainment programing telecasting the india.
This channel's transponder signal to catch the minimum 8 feet to 16 feet c-band dish antenna's to using our network and home.Mpeg4/dvb s2 type satellite receiver using the network.This channel's very soon left on currently global transmission to air service the kerela vision channel's at insat4a satellite.kerela vision cable tv network to got the new satellite licence the this year from kerala vision tv.very soon added the kerala vision channel all cable tv network and pay dth service india.cable and dth provider to change the dish antenna insat4a satellite and retune the following parameter details to watching program.
Parameter Details:
Satellite Insat4a@83.0E(C-BAND)
Freq Rate 3925
Symbol Rate 28500
Polar Horizontal
Modulation Mpeg4/Dvb s2(8PSK)
Mode FTA